Tanya’s Story: Overcoming rejection

Do you feel rejected? Do you feel lost and restless, like you don’t really belong? Have you tried all kinds of things to fill the gap? Have you tried to find your identity in what you do or what other people think of you, only to feel more empty? Have you made bad decisions in life?

I asked God recently: “How can I encourage people during lockdown when I have to stay home?” God prompted me to write and share my testimony, particularly how I came to meet Jesus when I was in a dark place. I believe God wants to speak to anyone who is feeling lost and without hope for the future. Jesus can meet you right where you are. And you will never be the same again. The adventure begins when you say yes to Him.

Here is my story:

“I grew up mostly in the West country, the oldest of three children. My Mum was 18 and had just moved from Canada when she married my Dad, who was 10 years older. They were both very different – Dad was gentle, quiet and calm, more in the background and Mum was energetic and exuberant but up and down emotionally. At home she often seemed angry and stressed and I felt insecure as long as I can remember. I was very sensitive to her moods. Gradually I developed a deep sense of rejection and believing that there was something wrong with me.”

“One day in a bar in Greece I was dancing and chatting, having fun, and a man I didn’t know looked straight at me and said, “you will never love anyone”. It cut me to the heart. I was so shaken by this I went back to where I was staying. I believed it readily because I was aware of my selfishness, always looking for love for myself. How would I ever love anyone else!?”

Read the rest of the story here