Kim hears God & experiences healing

After three days of being unable to breathe well, I asked for prayer, and God healed me.

I have only recently recovered from a viral infection, but got a second, bacterial chest infection on the back of it as my immune system was so low.

For two or three nights I had barely slept at all. I needed to use an inhaler constantly throughout the night, and do breathing exercises to catch my breath. God helped me at certain times to know what medicine to take, and when. I was on the prescribed treatment, but not feeling better at all and really struggling to breathe. It was pretty scary, and seemed much worse at night. I knew I should ask for prayer, but found it a big struggle to reach out, for a mixture of reasons – lies that discourage me from asking for help or tempted me to think I am unloved, alone, etc.

I decided to ‘not lean on my own understanding’ (Proverbs 3:5-6), so I let my development group, some friends and a couple of prayer groups know. My development group immediately arranged a Zoom. Others texted that they and their groups were praying too.

That night I had the best sleep ever. I woke a couple of times, but didn’t allow thoughts about my breathing to worry me, I just trusted Jesus, rolled over and dropped back to sleep. My chest was much clearer, no crackling at all and my breathing was better. I believe I received healing as we prayed together. I felt peace come upon me, I was relaxed and through the rest of the evening I ruthlessly took any unhelpful thoughts captive and went to bed believing for good rest. I’m so grateful to God.

The battle became ‘ours’, not just mine, and the victory is a shared one. And, like a drawstring, the process pulls us all closer together and increases our faith.

Part of what I learnt through this is that I want to encourage others to be quicker than me to share needs, as we look to Jesus for breakthrough together. To fight the demons of feeling exposed, or being dismissive. We fight our battles together, and share our victories together, and we will see the church family strengthened during this season we are in.

I expected that this was it, but 48 hours later my breathing started to deteriorate again. This wasn’t the plan.
Eventually, a few hours later on Good Friday, I gave in to my GP and the 111 doctor’s advice and let them call an ambulance, ostensibly to take me to A&E. Thankfully when the paramedics came they advised me to stay home and recover.

So, I’m in an interesting position. I believe that God has healed me, so I am in faith for receiving the full healing, when it comes. My focus is not on the healing but enjoying the presence and peace of Jesus … as I wait. I’m learning not to be consumed by the outcome and getting overwhelmed with the struggles of life, but focusing on Jesus, with me, in the meantime.