In Stoke-on-Trent, a Civic Prayer Breakfast is held each year in the impressive Kings Hall with over 300 people attending. For a prayer event, I was interested to observe that the Christians were possibly outnumbered!
Who are the other attendees of this Prayer Breakfast? The police, health authorities, councillors, teachers and many others whose work helps shape the city.
The organisers of such civic prayer events create the event for the benefit of civic leaders. They invite them many months ahead in order to secure the time in their pressured diaries. They meet with them to hear their priorities and follow up afterwards.
It is a significant gathering. Civic leaders give presentations and church leaders from across the city pray for them. They are ‘Seeking the peace and prosperity of the city’ Jeremiah 29: 7.
The Cinnamon Network and Movement Day both have helpful resource for churches wanting to do this.
Relationship is key. We have to intentionally reach out and support civic leaders in the different sectors. This paves the way for partnership so that the church can be salt and light to those in public office and the communities we serve.