Speaker: Nick Brewer

Listen in to this small discursive group as they take a deep dive on some questions arising from episodes 9 – 11 of the Kings series
Listen in to this small discursive group as they take a deep dive on some questions arising from episodes 6-8 of the Kings series
Solomon – so close, yet so far
King Solomon – So near, yet so far
Listen in to this small discursive group as they take a deep dive on some questions arising from the first four episodes of the Kings series.
When we submit to someone’s authority it does not mean that we lose the right to ask questions or to disagree. We can ask questions with the motive of getting a clearer understanding so we can obey better, or we can ask because we are considering if we want to obey or not. The basis of questioning will be different though, and will need to come out of a desire to follow better rather than argue a point.
Why is leadership and authority such a controversial topic in our society today? As a society we have become sceptical of authority. We are quicker to dismiss politicians, community leaders or experts. The undermining of truth means there is just a lot of noise. This has exaggerated our tendency for tribalism and polarisation, where we subscribe to the views of those who seem most like us rather than objectively evaluated truth claims…
If God’s grand plan is to fill the earth with His glory, and glory means to put one’s attributes on display, God wants to make Himself visible on earth. He has made Himself visible through Jesus (John 1:18, Col 1:15, Col 2:9). And now He continues to make Himself visible through us, those who have been transformed through seeing Him. One of the primary attributes of God is love (1 John 4:8). So, when we love one another, we show who God is.
When the senior leaders of LifeLine Church started exploring what His presence means they realised what they were really asking was “What do we get from being in His presence”. As if the presence of God was reduced to a function. There’s a danger we try to seek the formula to conjure up His presence and then use it as a tool. The church turned our focus to the joy of being in His presence. Want to be ‘in’ rather than get something ‘from’?