Acorns to Oaks – Session Four: Don’t get distracted; it’s about who God is

Session FourDon't get distracted; it's about who God is


1. The role of parents is to direct our children to God

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6, NIV UK

2. It is more important that our children know who God is and what he thinks of them than that they have familiarity with Bible stories. Knowing God’s character builds discernment.

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8, NIV UK

3. Building faith in our children is a journey of small but proactive moments in the everyday.

4. We can have high expectations of God encountering our children and growing a big faith in them.


  • Which characteristic of God is most significant to me today and how could I share that with my child in the little ways?

  • What testimonies do I have that I can share with my child to point to a particular characteristic of God?

  • When I look at stories of God for myself do I focus more on the story events or on who it shows God to be? Do I need a readjustment in this?

  • Am I intentional in sharing who I know God to be with my child? How can I grow more in this?


  • Ask God for opportunities to show your children His character in their everyday life – be intentional in pointing it out to your child; for example, if your child is scared of the dark, you can tell them that God tells us not to fear anything because He is our protector and He is King over all things.

  • Play worship music in your home, that the children hear, things that speak of God’s truths and who He is – talk to them about the lyrics.

  • Tell your children Bible stories with focus on who God is. This will look different across the ages. Begin asking your child what God is showing us about Himself in each story.

  • In a Church meeting, translate for your children bits of what God is showing of himself as the meeting goes on; e.g. what the words of a song say of His character, or what someone is saying in their testimony, or what you are thanking God for in his character today.