In Oct ’23 a team of six people from LifeLine Church visited the LifeLine Nehemiah Projects in Sierra Leone.

31 years ago John Singleton of LifeLine Church met a Sierra Leonian called Richard Cole. God joined their hearts. At the time there was a brutal civil war in the country, which lasted 10 years, wrecking families, communities and the country. God gave Richard a vision for rebuilding his nation, including rescuing young children who’d been recruited into the rebel army as ‘boy soldiers’. Prince Williams was one of those boys. Prince has his own incredible story of redemption, and is now the CEO of the LifeLine Nehemiah Projects, continuing the vision God first birthed in Richard Cole. The relationship between us was forged by God when He joined the hearts of John Singleton and Richard Cole. Richard passed away many years ago, but the relationship between our two communities is as strong as ever, as Prince faithfully continues the vision first birthed in the man who rescued him from the atrocities of war.

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Avril McIntyre
Anne Smith
Jack Easter
Sophie Easter
Teah Baiden
Owen Jaques