Sunday Teachings

Missed a Sunday? Or listening from afar? Catch up here. Our Sunday teaching sometimes follows a theme, a book or explores the ‘now’ word of God to us as a community. Feel free to explore and use our online library of resources at

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Will you use your powers for good?
Encouragers are really key people in the Kingdom of God
How does God join us together as family?
A struggle between Saul’s heart and his mind…
God can bring precious things out of really difficult times – like a diamond being formed out of pressured rock
Grace is for life, not just for salvation!
Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit acts with boldness, love and peace.
The early church
“Safe? Who said anything about safe? Course he isn’t safe. Be He is GOOD. He is the King!” CS Lewis The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.